Empathy Based Interrogation

A New Approach

EBI is an interrogation philosophy that uses a science-based, personality-focused approach in a non-confrontational interview process. EBI is designed to gain accurate information and induce problem solving by keeping the subject talking.

EBI is not a series of steps or a checklist for investigators to rigidly follow. Instead, EBI is a philosophy, supported by research in the use of interrogation in intelligence and criminal justice communities. This research has shown the best practices for eliciting comprehensive and accurate information from a subject are non-confrontational and empathy based.

This approach facilitates an understanding of the subject’s point of view, motivation for committing the offense, and an incentive for the subject sharing accurate information with the interviewer. The information, which can be corroborated or refuted, is obtained by allowing the subject to “tell their story” in a free-flowing, non-confrontational narrative. The EBI conversational interview results in a longer interview process. This will increase the amount of information or intelligence obtained and will result in the ability to generate more meaningful investigative and prosecutive strategies. In addition, the EBI conversational interview, due to its non-coercive nature, is more easily defended in the courtroom.

EBI was created in collaboration between Justice 3D and MacKizer Behavioral Analysis Consulting.